Start Kit – Spiritist Education classes

Dear Spiritist Educator,

Here are some guidelines which will help you organise a Spiritist Education Department at your Spiritist Centre.

Here you are going to find materials and support for your wonderful task. You are a very important key in this process.

"Who educates, creates ethical-cultural values for a happy and noble experience. Who teaches moral education liberates for a happy life". Amélia Rodrigues

"It is through Education, even more than by Instruction that Humanity will be transformed."

Allan Kardec, The Spirits’ Book.

          1. Spiritist Education for Children and Youth Registration Form - Spiritist Centre: This is the form which needs to be filled in by each parent who brings his/her child to the spiritist education classes.

          2. Permission to Participate in the Spiritist Campaign Spiritist Centre: This is the form which needs to be filled in by each parent stating whether they give permission for us to disseminate Spiritist Education for Chidren and Youth by using pictures of their children taken during the classes.

          3. School behaviour policy – Spiritist Centre: The School seeks to create an environment in which effective teaching and learning can take place. This is where you have a policy which can be adapted in accordance with the reality of each spiritist centre. Please hand over 1 copy of the policy for each parent.

          4. Confirmation of Receipt School behaviour policy - Spiritist Centre: This is the form which needs to be signed by each parent confirming they have received a copy of the School behaviour policy for the Spiritist Education Department

          5. Child Care Authorization Record - Spiritist: This file should be filled in by parents who are not able to bring their children to school, but send them through a guardian. Please note the guardian requires bringing a signed copy of this document to the Spiritist Education Department

          6. Attendance Record - Spiritist Centre: This records the presence of each child at the Spiritist Education classes. It needs to be signed by both parent and educator.

          7. Record of existing injuries Spiritist Centre: This records existing injuries that the child might present when he/she comes to the Spiritist Education classes. Please note it needs to be signed by both parent and educator. You will need to cut it in half, keep one copy for you and the other needs to be given to the parent.

          8. Accident or Incident Records Spiritist Centre: This records injuries that were caused during the time the child was present at the Spiritist Education classes. Please note it needs to be signed by both educator and a witness. You will need to keep one copy for you and the other needs to be given to the parent.

          9. Class Program and Evaluation: This relates to the Class Program and Evaluation. This can be used as an improvement tool for the Spiritist Education Department.

Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.